Hi friends,
To celebrate the fact that I've finally nailed the introduction for my (still untitled) WIP, I decided to make a word cloud.
If you're not familiar with word clouds, you paste text into a box and it analyses the words that come up most frequently, presenting it in a visual "cloud". They can be a handy tool for writers as they quickly point out any excessive repetitions. Thanks to my word cloud, I see I have a tendency to focus on people's eyes and hands. The word "back" is also very large, so I will go through the piece and see if it can be eliminated anywhere. That great big "like" could be a warning sign that I've gone a bit heavy handed on the similes. However, I'm pretty pleased to see that "heart" hasn't made it in there, nor has "say" or any distancing words like "think", "smell" and "see", and that most of the other big words are proper nouns.
Word clouds are also a neat way to get a "flavour" of the piece. "Water", "ocean", "harbour", "lake" and "church" all make appearances, which makes me confident the world building is stronger than it previously was. The "dialect" is also prevalent. "Ye" (you), "ta" (to), "ma" (my) and "aye" (yes) are all there, all of which enrich the world building. I'm pleased to see that a tiny "witches" has crept in. Although nothing magical happens in the introduction, I've tried to include magical elements as a hint towards future events, so it doesn't come out of the blue or feel jarring.
If you fancy getting a world cloud for your own book, I recommend Wordle which is where I created this one.
Happy writing and reading, friends!
-CB Soulsby